E&M Machinery is California’s leader in Automation, boasting an extensive customer base including Chevron, the City and County of San Francisco, Lockhead, Pacific Gas and Electric and many more. Their 50-year history of successful projects and satisfied customers has established them as the “go to source” for automation solutions in California.


E&M Loses Power under the Old System

 What started as a small, family-owned business in the 1950’s, has since grown to a multi-million dollar company. With their continual growth and desire to reach new and competitive markets, E&M Machinery was in dire need of upgrading their accounting and inventory management software so that they could better manage their business. Steve Deas, President of E&M Machinery recalls that, “20 years ago, we recognized that our company would have to embrace changes in technology in order to grow. Our services range from not only providing and selling parts, but also customizing factory automation machinery for distribution, which required us to re-evaluate the existing system being utilized to manage the diversity of our operation.” In 1989, E&M took their first big steps toward modernizing their technologies when they transitioned their SPT Brand Software for Macintosh to a new, Macintosh based Unix System. In the mid-90’s they upgraded again to the user friendly software solution, Sage Pro ERP and have been managing their operation with it ever since. “The software is great for continuing upgrades,” Steve comments, “We’ve been able to convert all of our historical data and custom reports throughout every upgrade process.”


Most recently, E&M recognized the need to upgrade to the current version of Sage Pro ERP 7.4. “Under the old version, we did not have the ability to send a customer a quote, and then later turn that quote into a sales order,” Steve recalls. “We had to do manual data entry multiple times just to fulfill the order request, which inevitably resulted in errors. We needed a customized solution that could streamline that process, and eliminate the time spent on redundant data input, which in turn would increase the accuracy of the information within the system.” E&M Machinery has shared a longtime relationship with the team at Workflow Resources, who have been involved in their system upgrades since the Macintosh and Unix conversion. Once again, E&M turned to their partners at Workflow Resources, relying on their technical expertise to customize solutions within Sage Pro ERP 7.4 to improve their business operations.


Workflow Resources Takes E&M on a Smooth Ride

David Platt, President of Workflow Resources states that “we have been dramatically involved in understanding the nature of E&M’s business operations from the beginning, which allowed us to recommend an appropriate software solution. E&M not only provides products, but they offer specialized services as well, all of which are tracked and maintained on multiple systems. It was imperative to integrate the information captured within these systems into the new solution while maintaining an informational link between them. The beauty of working with Sage Pro ERP is that the software is extremely flexible and can be customized in a variety of ways to meet the needs of our clients.”


With the implementation underway, Workflow Resources developed a copy of the upgraded system so that E&M could evaluate and test the functionality of the new solution throughout the entire process. Mark Davia, Project Manager for Workflow Resources

Success Story

E&M Machinery Gears Up for Success

with Workflow Resources